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Bruce Jenner Quotes

Bruce Jenner Quotes & Quotations
Bruce Jenner
Birth day:
Birth year:

  • 1
    But we love being together and working together all day - and most days, we are. When I'm on the road, I call in about 10 times a day. Bruce-JennerBruce Jenner
  • 2
    First of all, I try to be a positive role model. Bruce-JennerBruce Jenner
  • 3
    I always felt that my greatest asset was not my physical ability, it was my mental ability. Bruce-JennerBruce Jenner
  • 4
    I didn't only have a perceptual problem, I was also so nervous and so upset. The process just didn't work. I lost enthusiasm for school and I flunked second grade. The teachers said I was lazy. Bruce-JennerBruce Jenner
  • 5
    I learned that the only way you are going to get anywhere in life is to work hard at it. Whether you're a musician, a writer, an athlete or a businessman, there is no getting around it. If you do, you'll win - if you don't, you won't. Bruce-JennerBruce Jenner
  • 6
    I spent twelve years training for a career that was over in a week. Joe Namath spent one week training for a career that lasted twelve years. Bruce-JennerBruce Jenner
  • 7
    I still have nightmares about taking tests. Bruce-JennerBruce Jenner
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    I thought everybody else was doing much better than I was. Bruce-JennerBruce Jenner
  • 9
    I was growing up in the 50's and 60's. Back then they didn't even know what dyslexia was. Bruce-JennerBruce Jenner
  • 10
    If I wasn't dyslexic, I probably wouldn't have won the Games. If I had been a better reader, then that would have come easily, sports would have come easily... and I never would have realized that the way you get ahead in life is hard work. Bruce-JennerBruce Jenner
  • 11
    If you are dyslexic, your eyes work fine, your brain works fine, but there is a little short circuit in the wire that goes between the eye and the brain. Reading is not a fluid process. Bruce-JennerBruce Jenner
  • 12
    If you're asking your kids to exercise, then you better do it, too. Practice what you preach. Bruce-JennerBruce Jenner
  • 13
    If you're going to dedicate every second to winning the decathlon, what are you doing wasting your time in bed? Bruce-JennerBruce Jenner
  • 14
    Nobody has milked one performance better than me - and I'm damned proud of it. Bruce-JennerBruce Jenner
  • 15
    Start early and begin raising the bar throughout the day. Bruce-JennerBruce Jenner
  • 16
    The biggest problem with dyslexic kids is not the perceptual problem, it is their perception of themselves. That was my biggest problem. Bruce-JennerBruce Jenner
  • 17
    The truth is everybody does it from time to time. People dial telephone numbers and they get a wrong number only to find that they've read the last two digits backwards. Everybody does it, but dyslexics have this tendency to a higher degree. Bruce-JennerBruce Jenner
  • 18
    When the time comes for your brain to process the information, the second word comes up faster than the first one. So when it's in your head, all of a sudden, it comes out backwards and you think of the word backwards. Bruce-JennerBruce Jenner