menuLanguage Is A Virus


Please vote in any of the following polls, or add your own poll.

Poll: Why do you "use" language is a virus

Poll: Which is your favorite section of

Poll: What would you like to see added to

Poll: What's the difference between remembrance and eternity?

Poll: Should the dictionary evolve with our socialized misspellings, mispronunciations and misuses?

Poll: What keeps you from writing?

Poll: What is the best possible name for my photography company (studiowork)?

Poll: Why should I care what you wrote on the Graffiti Wall?

Poll: What is Anarchy?

Poll: Who is God?

Poll: What is anonymity?

Poll: What was the face you had before you were born?

Poll: What is your favorite color?

Poll: What should you prefer to be an animal instead of a human being?

Poll: What should you prefer to be instead of a human being?

Poll: what would you like to be instead of a human being?

Poll: What's your favorite song?

Poll: What's your favourite movie?

Poll: What is the most boring movie that you have ever seen?

Poll: Why Bother?

Poll: What is the purpose of government?

Poll: What is Truth (with a big "T")?

Poll: Who is your favorite person in all of history?

Poll: What is GOD

Poll: What is the strongest force in the universe?

Poll: If given $300 what would you spend it on?

Poll: How much sleep do you ordinarily get

Poll: Is God real?

Poll: What do you hate?

Poll: What's your favorite country?

Poll: What is Love?

Poll: Do we exist (think deep)?

Poll: If the water evaporates before the baptismal murmur is it valid?

Poll: Is the end near?

Poll: Which is most unforgivable?

Poll: Was Rome really all that grat a civilization?

Poll: What is consciousness?

Poll: Crowd beats up a victim: Which one are you?

Poll: What is after life?

Poll: What is your favorite Disney Theme Park

Poll: Favourite Pet Name

Poll: What is your Job?

Poll: What is your favourite TV Show?

Poll: Have you seen the movie Da Vinci Code

Poll: Who do like on Call For Help!

Poll: What is your name?

Poll: Where do you Live?

Poll: What's your favorite Canadian Store?

Poll: What's your favourite Season?

Poll: What's your Favourite Car Manufacture?

Poll: Have you ever been to The Burlington Sound of Music Festival Before?

Poll: Do you think a lethal injection amounts to cruel and unusual punishment?

Poll: Who's better, Calvin, or Hobbes?

Poll: What is your favorite anime?

Poll: What is Freedom?

Poll: What's the answer to life, the Universe and everything?

Poll: What is the most popular answer to a multiple choice question?

Poll: purple

Poll: What's 2+2?

Poll: What is nothing?

Poll: Have you heard of BC bud?

Poll: how good was dylan thomas?

Poll: What's your fave genre?

Poll: What do you do in your spare time?

Poll: What is love?

Poll: Have you ever heard of Ranma Soatome?

Poll: does the body rule the mind or does the mind rule the body?

Poll: What kind of music do you like?

Poll: Yes?

Poll: sacrifice your imagination to a greater imagination

Poll: Are you in love with your story characters?

Poll: Who is your favorite Elf?

Poll: What is AI?

Poll: If you could have any superpower what would it be?

Poll: If you were in "1984" by George Orwell, would you obey Big Brother?

Poll: Which of these names do you like best? (Please vote & help an author out!!!)

Poll: It isn't or It's not?

Poll: is jamie more a girls or a boys name ????

Poll: Is life really worth living??

Poll: What makes vampires sexy?

Poll: Has your understanding of self increased or declined over the past two years?

Poll: What's the deal with husbands killing their wives instead of opting for divorce?

Poll: What is behind this whole existence as humans thing?

Poll: Do you find it unusual that no one seems to notice that several people of the general public have a definite affinity for the colour, lime green?

Poll: Is paying retail really a sin?

Poll: Honestly, why do you continue to put up with this?

Poll: Can you honestly say that you are above lying and scheming to achieve success?

Poll: Is illicit drug use on the rise?

Poll: What do you think is the secret behind the fizz in super fizzy beverages?

Poll: Were you the one who drank all the milk and put the empty comtainer back in the refrigerator?

Poll: What do you have behind your back?

Poll: Where have you been all night?

Poll: What's so funny?

Poll: Did you ask Dan before if you could borrow his ham or did you just take it?

Poll: What is the true root of all evil?

Poll: Do you like Death Note?

Poll: What's your favorie color?

Poll: Who took the cookie out of the cookie jar?

Poll: Why is Twilight so addicting?

Poll: is true love real?

Poll: Are we headed for another Great Depression?

Poll: Do you love the tv show "Firefly"?

Poll: Is writing an important part of our society today?

Poll: Do you really think they should get married?

Poll: Which of these names is the most poetic?

Poll: Tell me a word that doesnt sound bad , doesnt matter the situation, like bubbles.

Poll: Favorite Undertale Character

Poll: You like Harry Potter?

Poll: what is your favourite US tv show?

Poll: What is your favorite kind of tea?

Poll: What is your favorite type of music?

Poll: What is your favorite book?

Poll: What is your favorite band?

Poll: Jane Austen or Braham Stoker?

Poll: What do you miss most?

Poll: What is your favorite video game?

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