menu Language Is A Virus

Story Generator

Randomly generate a series of "idea" cards to create a new story, these include: setting (when), setting (where), antagonist, protagonist, symbolism, theme, action, conflict, emotion, genre, writing style, and tone.

Definitions: Writing Styles | Rarer Genres

  1. Setting: When
    A world where people can change their physical form

  2. Setting: where
    A world where animals can talk

  3. Protagonist:

  4. Antagonist:
    horror writer

  5. Theme:
    family / relationships

  6. Symbolism:
    purity / innocence / peace

  7. Conflict:
    power possession

  8. Action:

  9. Emotion:

  10. Genre:
    Historical fiction

  11. Tone:

  12. Writing Style:

Rarer Genres

Writing Styles