Poetry Guide: Dodoitsu
Dodoitsu (都々逸) is a form of Japanese poetry developed towards the end of the Edo Period. Often concerning love or work, and usually comical, Dodoitsu poems consist of four lines with the syllabic structure 7-7-7-5 and no rhyme or metre.
See also:
- Haiku Generator
- Haiku Madlibs
- Haiku Discombobulater
- Haiku Turbo Generator
- Haiku-a-Tron
- Interactive Poetry Generator
- Read Haiku Poems
- Halibun: The Japanese Essay
- Poetry Guide: Dodoitsu
- Poetry Guide: Haiku Poems
- Japanese Poetry
- Poetry Guide: Renga
- Poetry Guide: Senryu
Poetry Kaleidoscope: Guide to Poetry made by MultiMedia Free content and software
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