Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero Quotes
Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero Quotes
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Any peace process after so many years of horror and terror will be long and difficult. Jose-Luis-Rodriguez-ZapateroJose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
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Democratic power is the only voice most citizens have. Jose-Luis-Rodriguez-ZapateroJose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
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I want to increase our spending on research and development by 25%. That's something the U.S. does very well. That dynamism alongside a welfare state in the European community - that's the synthesis I want to achieve. Jose-Luis-Rodriguez-ZapateroJose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
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I will listen to Mr Bush but my position is very clear and very firm. The occupation is a fiasco. There have been almost more deaths after the war than during the war. Jose-Luis-Rodriguez-ZapateroJose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
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Markets are very important but for the government the citizens are more so. Jose-Luis-Rodriguez-ZapateroJose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
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Maybe John Kerry does not know - but I am happy to explain it to him - that my commitment to withdraw the troops goes back before the tragic, dramatic terrorist attack. Jose-Luis-Rodriguez-ZapateroJose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
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My commitment is my commitment. Jose-Luis-Rodriguez-ZapateroJose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
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No Spanish government has given into terror and no government will do that. Jose-Luis-Rodriguez-ZapateroJose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
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Spaniards have always shown great maturity and great common sense when it comes to voting. Jose-Luis-Rodriguez-ZapateroJose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
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The corporations and the media don't need power; they already have it. Jose-Luis-Rodriguez-ZapateroJose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
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The more equality women have, the fairer, more civilized and tolerant society will be. Sexual equality is a lot more effective against terrorism than military strength. Jose-Luis-Rodriguez-ZapateroJose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
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The risk of a terrorist victory is greater when in fighting terror, democracy betrays its own essence. Jose-Luis-Rodriguez-ZapateroJose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
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Wars such as that which has occurred in Iraq only allow hatred, violence and terror to proliferate. Jose-Luis-Rodriguez-ZapateroJose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
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Wars such as those which have occurred in Iraq only allow hatred, violence and terror to proliferate. Jose-Luis-Rodriguez-ZapateroJose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
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You can't bomb a people just in case. Jose-Luis-Rodriguez-ZapateroJose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero