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Ken Thompson Quotes

Ken Thompson Quotes & Quotations
Ken Thompson
Birth day:
Birth year:

  • 1
    For most of that time, I've also been a keen gardener, but for many years I failed to make the connection between gardening and science. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    Grant, if we edited Fortran, I assume that you'd put a column thing in there. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    I also enjoy writing my regular column for Organic Gardening magazine, so I may do more of that sort of thing in the future, if anybody wants it! Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    I also have an idea for a book on biodiversity, and why and how we should be conserving it. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    I am a programmer. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    I don't think there are many people up in research who have strong ideas about things that they haven't really had experience with. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    I have to keep up with the scientific literature as part of my job, but increasingly I found myself reading things that weren't really relevant to my academic work, but were relevant to gardening. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    I still have a full-time day job, which is why it took me five years to write An Ear to the Ground, and why I won't have another book finished by next week. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    I think the major good idea in Unix was its clean and simple interface: open, close, read, and write. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    I wanted to avoid, special IO for terminals. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    I wanted to have virtual memory, at least as it's coupled with file systems. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    In college, before video games, we would amuse ourselves by posing programming exercises. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    In fact, we started off with two or three different shells and the shell had life of its own. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    It is only the inadequacy of the criminal code that saves the hackers from very serious prosecution. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    More precisely stated, the problem is to write a source program that, when compiled and executed, will produce as output an exact copy of its source. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    No amount of source-level verification or scrutiny will protect you from using untrusted code. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    On the one hand, the press, television, and movies make heroes of vandals by calling them whiz kids. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
  • 18
    One is that the perfect garden can be created overnight, which it can't. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    So maybe I can go back to being a Gardeners' World addict again. Ken-ThompsonKen Thompson
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    The average gardener probably knows little about what is going on in his or her garden. Ken-Thompson/">Ken Thompson
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    The X server has to be the biggest program I've ever seen that doesn't do anything for you. Ken-Thompson/">Ken Thompson
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    There's a lot of power in executing data - generating data and executing data. Ken-Thompson/">Ken Thompson
  • 24
    Unauthorized access to computer systems is already a serious crime in a few states and is currently being addressed in many more state legislatures as well as Congress. Ken-Thompson/">Ken Thompson
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    We have persistant objects, they're called files. Ken-Thompson/">Ken Thompson
  • 26
    We tried to avoid, you know, records. We were told over and over that was probably the most serious mistake and the reason was the system would never catch on, because we didn't have records. Ken-Thompson/">Ken Thompson
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    When in doubt, use brute force. Ken-Thompson/">Ken Thompson
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    You can't trust code that you did not totally create yourself. Ken-Thompson/">Ken Thompson