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Teresa Heinz Quotes

Teresa Heinz Quotes & Quotations
Teresa Heinz
Birth day:
Birth year:

  • 1
    I don't know Laura Bush. But she seems to be calm, and she has a sparkle in her eye, which is good. But I don't know that she's ever had a real job - I mean, since she's been grown up. Teresa-HeinzTeresa Heinz
  • 2
    I hope it will come as no surprise that I have something to say. Teresa-HeinzTeresa Heinz
  • 3
    I mention my age because I find people in this country - women, not men, of course - women are so troubled by their age. There's a culture of youth, and it's a phony culture. Teresa-HeinzTeresa Heinz
  • 4
    I think men are supposed to be boys always. They just go through different stages and if wives understand that they can love them. Teresa-HeinzTeresa Heinz
  • 5
    If you want to be loved by everyone, don't go into politics. Teresa-HeinzTeresa Heinz
  • 6
    John will never send a boy or girl in a uniform anywhere in the world because of our need and greed for oil. Teresa-HeinzTeresa Heinz